Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Remainder of May

It is time to really kick the prayer up, everyone!! Thank you for your faithful prayers for my sister! I know that all of us could sign up for everyday, because that is how often all of our prayers are. Please just tell me what days you would like, and I will gratefully add you on! Joining together in prayer, we can help Melissa and Doug right now!

Wed, 13th- Debbie Arnett; Nova Clark
Thu, 14th- Michelle; Denise; Nova Clark
Fri, 15th- Mike & Jenn; Francis Moore; Harpels; Nova Clark; Jessica Bower, M3 Bible study
Sat, 16th- Pascal & Dorothy Warmouth; Nova Clark

Sun, 17th- Greg & Charlene; Steph; Nova Clark
Mon, 18th- Dave & Julia; Kelley; Lillian Ramsey; Nova Clark
Tue, 19th- Beth Albright; Nova Clark
Wed, 20th- Debbie Arnett; Nova Clark
Thu, 21st- Cathie John; Michelle; Marie Gessel Shumaker; Denise; Nova Clark
Fri, 22nd- Mike & Jenn; Harpels; Nova Clark; Jessica Bower, M3 Bible study
Sat, 23rd- Stacy Royal; Nova Clark; Mike & Tara Lloyd

Sun, 24th- Greg & Charlene; Nova Clark; Ada Longenecker
Mon, 25th- Kelley; Nova Clark; Mandy Dudgeon
Tue, 26th- Jason & Jenelle; Nova Clark
Wed, 27th- Debbie Arnett; Nova Clark
Thu, 28th- Michelle; Denise; Nova Clark
Fri, 29th- Mike & Jenn; Harpels; Nova Clark; Jessica Bower, M3 Bible study
Sat, 30th- Kelley; Nova Clark; Mike & Tara Lloyd

Sun, 31st- Greg & Charlene; Nova Clark


  1. I will take Sunday the 17th.


  2. I will take Friday the 15th. Francis C. Moore

  3. I will take Thursday May 21ST, Cathie John

  4. Jenn, I'll take the 23rd. It's my sister's birthday and I can be praying for yours on that as well!

  5. Jason and I will take Tues, May 26th. I thought and prayed about Melissa all day today.
    Jenelle Robertson

  6. Hi Jen, I will take Monday the 18th and 25th and also that Saturday the 30th. My prayers are with you and your family.

  7. Lillian Ramsey (Pascal's aunt)asked me to leave a comment for her she couldn' get the comments to post..she is 89 but a strong prayer warrior!
    She will take Monday May 18th


  8. I will take Tues 19th Beth Albright, Florence KY

  9. Missy, Daily, I am praying and trusting for your miracle! It is on the way! Throughout these days He will minister to you in ways that you haven't yet experienced. Enjoy your own personal time with God...He loves you, even when you get disappointing test results... He is still in control. I know that it is no fun going through this...and I don't know why you have to... but He held me 10 years ago when the doctors gave me 6-9 months when my cancer re-occured... and He is holding you, Doug , kids,and family now! Trust Him! This sounds crazy to people who don't know the Lord, but I used to look up at the Kentucky sky while sitting on my back deck and smile while telling God... I can't figure You and Your will out, but I still trust You. After I was better, I visited the elementary school that I had worked at. One of the teachers that I had taught with for 7 years told me that she was now a christian and so were her parents, her brother and his wife. She said while she was praying for me that God asked her how about you? She was saved then she invited her husband and the rest of the family to go to church with her...and they all got saved. Missy your cancer and how you are facing it will make a heavenly difference for people, family and friends. He will use this for His good! Hang in there...You are covered up with prayer!

  10. Jenn, Put me on for May 25th. No school that day. I can pray fervently. love you and Missy!!

  11. Hi Jenn, put me on for Sunday the 24th. I'll be thanking God for what He's going to do!
    Love, Ada Longenecker

  12. Dave and I will take Wednesdays from now on. We are believing with you that God can and does do great things, regardless of our circumstances.

    Dave and Melanie

  13. We are praying every night as a family for Melissa and the whole family. For awhile we had been praying in general for the Lord to help all those we know who are sick, but we are praying specifically now for her every night. As Geron updates us (he's on the computer way more than I) we pray more specifically for what she's going through each day as we know. We love you guys
