Monday, June 1, 2009


It is time to really kick the prayer up, everyone!! Thank you for your faithful prayers for my sister and her family! I know that all of us could sign up for everyday, because that is how often all of our prayers are. Please just tell me what days you would like, and I will gratefully add you on! Joining together in prayer, we can help Melissa and Doug right now!

Mon, 1- Rebecca Waggoner; Amy Perry; Sean & Lacie
Tue, 2- Wendy Ingram; Carrie Spiaggi; Beth Albright
Wed, 3- Arnetts; Dave & Melanie; Carl & Lois Waggoner
Thu, 4- Michelle; Denise
Fri, 5- Mike & Jenn; Harpels; Jessica Bower, M3 Bible study
Sat, 6- Jamie; Angie

Sun, 7- Greg & Charlene
Mon, 8- Holly; Sean & Lacie
Tue, 9- Carrie Spiaggi; Beth Albright
Wed, 10- Arnetts; Dave & Melanie; Carl & Lois Waggoner
Thu, 11- Michelle; Denise
Fri, 12- Mike & Jenn; Harpels; Jessica Bower, M3 Bible study
Sat, 13- Angie; Leigh Begley-Rafter

Sun, 14- Greg & Charlene
Mon, 15- Kelley Mason; Molly Hauer; Sean & Lacie
Tue, 16- Beth Albright
Wed, 17- Arnetts; Doug & Marcia Hauer; Dave & Melanie; Carl & Lois Waggoner
Thu, 18- Michelle; Carrie Spiaggi; Denise
Fri, 19- Mike & Jenn; Harpels; Mike & Tara Lloyd; Jessica Bower, M3 Bible study
Sat, 20- Angie

Sun, 21- Greg & Charlene
Mon, 22- Kelley Mason; Sean & Lacie
Tue, 23- Carrie Spiaggi; Beth Albright
Wed, 24- Arnetts; Beth Albright; Carl & Lois Waggoner
Thu, 25- Michelle; Denise
Fri, 26- Mike & Jenn; Harpels; Jessica Bower, M3 Bible study
Sat, 27- Rebecca Waggoner; Angie

Sun, 28- Greg & Charlene
Mon, 29- Kelley Mason; Sean & Lacie
Tue, 30- Carrie Spiaggi; Beth Albright


  1. Jen, I will take Monday the 15th, 22nd and 29th.

  2. I will take June 2nd. I just was not sure how to fill my name in on that date. Please put me down to pray all day on June 2nd.

    Wendy Ingram
    Colorado Springs, CO

  3. Jenn,

    I will take every Tuesday in June. Like you said in your post, there is not a day that I am not praying for Melissa, Doug and your entire family, but what a great way to show them just how many people are really lifting them up!!

    Love you all:)
    Carrie Spiaggi

  4. Jenn, If I can have 6/1 and 6/27.

    Continuing to pray and believe!

  5. Hi Jenn & Melissa!

    You are CONSTANTLY in my thoughts. And, each time I think of you, I pray for you. I am so sorry you are going through this.

    Please put me on the calendar for June 1st but also know that not a day goes by that I am not praying for the miracle to take place in your body. I will also be lifting up Doug, Caleb, Lauren & Audrey in prayer.

    I sure do miss seeing your sweet face and those of your family too!

    Amy Perry

  6. I have been praying every day, but put me down for Tuesdays. Beth

  7. Sean and I will be praying for you on Monday nights.

  8. Hi! I'm a friend of Emily's in NJ. I've been praying for Missy. Please put me down for June 8th.

  9. Melissa, you will be in my prayers especially on June 13th.

  10. We are earnestly praying for you, Doug, Missy, and children, as well as for each one of your extended family.

    Please add our name for prayer on each Wednesday that remains in June and on through July and Auguest.

    We love you,
    Carl and Lois Waggoner

  11. Please add our names to your prayer list for each Saturday through August 2009. Missy, you and your family are in our thoughts and prayers. May God comfort you and yours and give you peace and a confidence that He, the almighty Father God, watching over you.

    The Wade Gillespie Family
